Battle tank (video game)
Battle tank (video game)

battle tank (video game)

  • You always shoot first in each battle, so save your gems & power ups for more powerful tanks.
  • Larger tanks often shoot multiple projectiles at once (increasing the odds they will hit you) and require more hits to destroy.
  • Small tanks can be killed in a single shot.
  • The game has a variety of enemy tank types in it.
  • battle tank (video game)

    In the bottom right it shows your all time best score.In the bottom left it shows your coin savings.Below your health bar is the 8 upgrades you can equip.In between them in the top center it shows how many tanks you have destroyed so far this game. Across the top of the screen it shows your health bar in the upper left & your opponent’s in the upper right.Tap the screen with a finger and move your finger around to set your shot angle and fire.Use your mouse left click button to charge up your shot.Use your mouse position to aim your shot.The welcome screen has a sound control button in the upper right corner & a more games button which is right of the start button.The welcome screen shows your coin savings in the lower left corner & your max defeated tanks in the lower right corner.Your web browser automatically saves your game progress including most tanks defeated & coin savings.Tap on the yellow and black button in the center of the game welcome screen to start the game.Tap on the yellow and black button on the game loading screen to bring up the game welcome screen.Angle your shot aim and set your shot strength to shoot at and destroy other tanks which are trying to destroy you.

    Battle tank (video game)